Professor Emeritus, University of Florida, College of Dentistry; Advisor Member of the Pankey Institute. He is past President of the American Academy of Periodontology. He is a current officer of the Academy of Laser Dentistry. Dr. Low provides periodontists, dentist and dental hygienists with the tools for successfully managing the periodontal patient. He was selected “Dentist of the Year” by the Florida Dental Association, Distinguished Alumnus by the University of Texas Dental School, and the Gordon Christensen Lecturer Recognition Award. He is a Past President of the Florida Dental Association and past ADA Trustee.
Periodontist is a major reason for tooth loss and systemic complications. We create the user-friendly perio approach from patient acceptance scripting to chair side positive action. You will incorporate time tested and new technologies to find and manage periodontal disease. Take the frustration out of delivering periodontal care and gain success with patient case acceptance, tooth retention and financial reward.
Upon completion of this course, attendees should be able to:
Empower the dental hygienist with expanded work descriptions beyond the “prophy”
Develop “realistic” non-surgical therapies and the respective re-evaluation with emphasis on “new” anti inflammatory systems
Incorporate new technologies for biofilm control as Guided Biofilm Therapy
Review successful parameters to determine tooth survival in short and long term prognosis
Establish a quality periodontal maintenance program that enhances the restorative practice, including coding and third party reimbursement
Achieve greater positive interaction between dentists, periodontists and the team through improved communication skills